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Noosa Yoghurt

The Goal
Noosa Yoghurt approached us with an ambitious goal: to introduce their product to 3 million new individuals within a year. We were up for the challenge, and we devised a strategy that was anything but subtle.

Our Strategy
Envision vibrant, pink Noosa-branded vehicles cruising through the streets. These eye-catching vehicles, fully equipped and staffed by our expert team, became the catalyst for our success.  We distributed a staggering 4 million samples.

But it didn't stop there. We went beyond simply handing out tubs of yoghurt. We engaged in millions of one-on-one interactions with our target demographic, immersing them in the Noosa Yoghurt experience. We listened to their stories, shared our own passion for the brand, and created lasting memories. Noosa Yoghurt made its presence known at prestigious events and even surprised consumers by popping up in unexpected locations, leaving an indelible impression on their minds.

The Results
And the results? Nothing short of remarkable. Throughout the year, Noosa Yoghurt witnessed a significant 4-point increase in household penetration, particularly among consumers with the highest net promoter scores in the industry. The brand's awareness has skyrocketed nationwide, and our Noosa Yoghurt teams have become the stuff of urban legends. The mere sight of our iconic pink sprinter vans prompts people to come running, eager to indulge in the Noosa Yoghurt experience they've heard so much about.